4 août 2011

haute couture Paris - Stephanie rolland

 pop champagne, Giorgio
 Haifa wahbi?
 Laetitia Crahay
 Stunning Isabel marrant shoes
 Myriam fares
 amazing photographer from Walldress.com
Stunning Olivia palermo, my dream came true! I saw her! With only a simple Zara dress, she was wonderful
 Natuka karkashadze and Wayne tippets from Streetstyle aesthetic
Stunning Natuka karkashadze, my fav! she seemed like a princess at Trocadéro!

20 commentaires:

Daria a dit…

great photos, somehow i love those overload shoulder-silhouettes.


Alcyonis a dit…

Tu rigoles? c'est le logiciel le plus simple du monde!!!

Alcyonis a dit…

waaaw ta vue olivia palermooo :o

Skinny Jeans - Blog Mode Marocain a dit…

It's not Haifa Wehbe!
We loved Olivia's picture! You're lucky!

Malika & Hanae

Unknown a dit…

Haifa wahbi est méconnaissable, myriem Faris et Olivia sont sublimes !!
Great !!

Skinny Jeans - Blog Mode Marocain a dit…

Certaine même!
Voici Haifa: http://photos.last-video.com/photo-haifa-wehbe.html


Zarita a dit…

oulalaaaa miriam fares dechire!!!!et puis la chaaaaance de voir olivia palermo!!!c est quoi le secret de la voir en vrai ? lol je voudrai bien la rencontrer a milan !!! snif snif

Kathleen a dit…

these are just beyond amazing photos, you make me crave for MORE all the time! :) i love everything! and omg am coveting those isabel marant shoes so much. my favorite is the 3rd photo, so elegant yet casual chic :).

<3, Kathleen.

Meriem Rawlings a dit…

Love Natuka's dress ..The print stuning and also loce the ubber glamorous libanease(?!) lady.
Bloody brilliant as usual



malikaa a dit…

OMG tu as vu olivia !!!!! je suis jalouse moi :(

Great job!!!Bravo...



l'Oscar revient aux jeunes a dit…

This amazing zara's dress ! , on la voit partout , porter simplement ! elle est magnifique !

Anonyme a dit…

just found you blog!
love it!

Check out my new post!
Would love to have you as a follower!

Anonyme a dit…

just found you blog!
love it!

Check out my new post!
Would love to have you as a follower!

Afaf et Marwa a dit…

Ce n'est pas Haifa Wehbe !
Sinon, Myriam est adorable !

Afaf & Marwa

The Foolish Aesthete a dit…

You spotted some very beautiful ladies! Who is the lady in red? I've seen her before and she always looks stunning. Love all those long dresses you captured. xx


Somniorum domuS a dit…

I love your photos elecctions.
Olivia Palermo is great!

Unknown a dit…

wow, some of those dresses are f suuuuch inspiration!!! they are very architecturesque and very very stunning!

Vani a dit…

Nice post!


Marcela Gmd a dit…

Fantastic post!! I like your blog!
Maybe we can follow each other?
Besos, desde España, Marcela

Unknown a dit…

Hi i love all your pics and i m new these is my blog i'll like u to be a membre of it http://leblogdemarwa.blogspot.com/ xoxo